Transparent Melt Service
If your lemel is clean and free of polishings, paper and metallic’s then we are happy to melt your scrap in front of you. This is the only service of its kind in the UK. Once melted we will XRF your bar and give you the value. Should you wish to keep the bar there is only the melt fee to pay. The whole process takes around 30 mins.
Weight | MELT FEE |
0 - 100 g | £40 +VAT |
100 - 250 g | £75 +VAT |
250 - 500 g | £80 +VAT |
500 - 1000 g | £85 +VAT |
1 - 5 kg | £90 +VAT |
For us to be able to process your lemels and sweeps you must be a registered customer.
Please log-in or register for an account
Processing sweeps is a longer process and can take around 7-10 working days. Your sweeps are burnt down to an ash and then milled to a fine powder and sieved. A sample of the powder is then sent to the Sheffield assay office. Once we have received the assay, we will call you with the value of your sweep. All of your powder is kept completely separate until you confirm you are happy with the result.
If you have any questions or queries then please call us on:
0121 236 9844